Last night only 3 of the 5 names i had mentioned actually showed up. Its been my experience to not freak out over something like that because it just stresses you and everyone else out. I dont get hell bent over one idea and work with what i have and thats all you can do. When its all said and done, none of this is important. Its just "Art". All that matters is that you take something with you. I want you to feel something that you did not before going into whatever. If you are not involved in the process it does not matter how you got to that feeling so with that said; I do not care about minor set backs because "shit happens". The important thing is to not get shit on your shoes.
Today I spoke with a good buddy of mine from school about this crazy mixed up world. Speaking with him made me feel a lot better. I was telling him that something is telling me that i need to do more but i dont know what "that" is. Right now i am peeved about so many things. The Goverment being at the top of the list and then my job, school, rehearsing, art directing, getting the apt ready there are so many things that i need to oversee that its hard for me to relax. My friend put it into perspective today in a way that only he could and it made me excited again.
So...... as of now i have my bearings back and contacted another dancer whom i am stoked on working with tomorrow.
Game back on bitches
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