I assume all the reasoning falls under the protection of the children which mind you is the parents job (Parents and community to be more exact.). Large firms, organizations and governments are not responsible for a child's development but if that is the case why is The Jersey Shore still on air? What kind of crossed message is that? Or watching The Hills which sends the message that as long as you are a pretty rich white girl you can have and do what ever you want because there are no restrictions. Also there is no substance to those shows and everyone knows it. They do more harm than good. Why are 20 year old's getting cosmetic surgeries and botox? Geez i wonder? But that never gets addressed in the media.
A blatant repression of free speech really deepy upsets and troubles me as an artist and as an individual.
This is not the land that i love and has not been for quite some time now.
Im gonna smoke a joint calm the fuck down and get ready for rehearsal.
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