To no ones surprise, I'm a huge Radiohead (no shit). Last year was such an amazing year to appreciate they're music with the release of they're new studio album The King of Limbs along with four extra singles and the TKOL Remix album. Through all of the music madness with the band releasing new music throughout the entire year I found a new site called The King of Limbs part 2 which suggest in its title that there might be a second part of the album. TKOL2 quickly became a favorite site of mine with regular updates on the band and what they're up to along with fan made videos and art work pertaining to the music. A little community. I recently sent the web master Josh Kirkpatrick a list of questions about the site and its origins and he was kind enough to answer. Read the post below and enjoy.
1. Why start the King of Limbs part 2?
I started the TKOL2 blog after reading some of the initial rumors of there being a second part to The King Of Limbs. I kept finding all of these different things, but they were scattered between several sites and message boards and it was really hard to keep up with, so I brought all of the information to one place. I really never thought it would grow to the level that it did.
2. How did you feel once TKOL2 started getting a lot of hits and even featured in RollingStone music magazine?
I was really shocked to see it on Rolling Stone, that was really the first big site that mentioned the site. To see it mentioned on so many websites was really cool for me. I really didn't have any expectations for the site when I started it, so to be mentioned by sites like Rolling Stone and Pitchfork is something that I'm really proud of.
3. For a website built around a conspiracy that TKOL would have a second album how hard was it to hear Ed O'Brien confirm there will be no TKOL2?
When Ed O'Brien dispelled the Part 2 rumors it wasn't really a big deal to me. I think a lot of people were expecting me to be upset, though it wasn't that way at all. I literally received hundred's of emails and messages that day urging me to keep the site going, which was really touching for me. Even though the band didn't officially release a "Part 2", they did end up releasing 2 new singles with a total of 4 new songs, 8 remix singles, and a 2 disc compilation of remixes.
4. What’s your favorite track off of the album?
My favorite track from the album is still probably "Little By Little", maybe it's the guitar riff? That track has stood out to me since the first time I listened to the album.
5. You have been very cool about posting Radiohead fan videos. Have you ever considered making any?
I try to post as many unique videos as I can find. I don't have any plans to make any of my own, though I might try to film a few clips when I see them on tour next month.
6. How has TKOL2 changed your life?
Well, it's been quite an experience. I really didn't know anything about running a website when I first started, and I'm still learning. I'm always trying to learn new things and come up with ways to improve the site. For me the biggest thing is that so many people come to read it everyday, that really means a lot to me. And I've met so many people from all of the world that I probably wouldn't have met otherwise.
website: The King of Limbs part 2
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