-Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolan the director of the new Batman franchise has outdone himself yet again. First he re-introduced the Joker played by the late Heath Ledger as a scyscophrentic, mass murdering psychopathic clown which was how we was made out to be in the original comics. Not only did he make one of the comic worlds largest icons into a real life threat but he also made one of the scariest onscreen villains in film history. A lot of people are asking how do you top that?
Tom Hardy, that's how. Tom Hardy brings an incredible intensity to his work and today it is revealed that he will be playing BANE who is one of Batmans greatest foes. Bane is a normal dude who gets juiced up on a drug called Venom and cant be stopped once he gets going. Another new charecter line up for the film is Ann Hatheway who will be playing Bruce Wayne's love interest Selina Kyle. If you are not sure who she is in the comic book world well.........GOOGLE IT!
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