Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In the box

Today I feel like absolute boo boo cakes. Thinking that a little “R & R” will hopefully do the trick for me. I’ve been on the grind over the past few months getting ready for this fall. This fall will be the 1st time that we have produced a full evenings worth of work with some other Bay Area Artists and choreographers. For me this will be the 1st time that ive ever done a 20min joint. It’s not that making a longer work is really that hard for me but it has to be done well, which leads me to my point.

Why work on something if there is no personal meaning behind it? Don’t you find it annoying if you are watching a movie and it ends without giving any real closure? Or if you are reading a book and it kind of spins around itself? I want to make something that has personal connection and like any good story have a beginning, middle and end. The viewers need to be able to follow what’s going. Im still story boarding/brainstorming but as of right now I have 1 section that is already completed and another that needs to be worked out. We are going to be getting sets built that are fully functional so that the dancers can use the space as part of the movement along with some projections/multi-media in the background not too mention lighting and costumes. As of late ive been researching (Youtube) various videos and clips of different companies, musicians, concerts, films and artists that I enjoy to see what works. Not too mention going through our personal catalogue of over 40 dance films/concert dance to see what works for us and see how to incorporate a lot of the un seen works into the show. also been picking the brains of a lot of different people mostly non dancers to see what they enjoy. Focus grouping. Below are a couple clips that I want to show just for context

The clip Chiamara is a 2nd installment in a trilogy titled “Br002”. The reason for me showing this is to show that without proper context the film exists only within they’re own time and space. Once placed with something else such as stage they can take on a whole new life. I don’t know in what capacity that we would like to use these as of the moment so I am going to travel to DC this summer and work on some new joints with Dr. Bacon with a clear intent in mind.

Br001 is the 1st part in a 3 part series of me doing improv. They work well once seen all together. No one aside from us have seen them all togehter. Trying to figure out how to best re lease them

Br_ 001 from T.A.G.San Francisco on Vimeo.

Ballons seems to be a fan favorite. Hands down the easiest to make. Took me one good idea that i had on a plane and 5min to choreograph. I spoke with Dr.Bacon about the concept while he was intown and this unplanned shoot went down in a couple hours.

one question that i have for you is this: what do you think about context vs. Art for arts sake?

what would you like to see more of?

thanks. Glad that thus far peeps have been impressed with the work.



Unknown said...

As you know, I'm a charter member of the Balloons fan club. That being said, visually, the last two minutes drag a bit. You may want to bring back some of the visual themes from earlier in the film, just to give it a more balanced arc, or just shorten it.

Getting ready to TAG said...

balloons is said and done but for future projects we will take that into consideration.

thanks marc.