Whoah we are heading into the end of our 1st decade of the 2000s. Scrazy!
Now that the year is closing to an end its always good to do a lil self reflection. Last year i was in the midst of a mental breakdown that i decided to blog about which can be found here. Not the best ideas tell what do you expect from someone having a mental collapse? This year is all good though. In a better place and figured my shit out.
This year im gonna do a "best of" in pop culture, art, music, dance, fashion and skateboarding. For the most part I will be the sole decider for the winners because its my blog and i can do whatever i want(which can be a problem) but certain categories i will be asking all of you out there for your opinions through my Facebook and Twitter. Ill take the votes and then post the winners.
I wanna start with the San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker video competition. Hands down the best video on there is "Year of the Rat". My friend Sean Conroy is a playwright and actor not too mentiom the person who is responsible for the video. Please watch and vote for him bitches!! Trust me he will win and maybe youll see me in Aspen trying to sneak into his hotel:)
go here to vote!
You're too kind Brian.
Truly, I'd be so grateful for any and all votes guys. It takes 3 seconds or less, depending on how fast you are.
Or more, depending on how slow you are.
Now, Brian, I say you start off with films from the 2000s.
Don't forget about "No Country for Old Men," "The Royal Tenenbaums," and "The Lives of Others."
Can I already guess your pick?
The Dark Knight, anybody?
Fine its on best films of 2000s for starters it is.
Dark knight is a "gibbs fave" and strong contender. I could see it pulling in a few awards.
He's cute. Im voting :)
ooohhhhh im gonna tell it:)
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