(jeezy rehearsing in Studio G)
Look below at the pic of the last post and wonder "what the hell is that?" I know the answer and still feel the same way.
The graphic is from a show that we were part of last Halloween hosted by Urban Art Farm. I was approached the Saturday before to be part of the program. What sucked was that i already had plans for rehearsal on Monday with 2 other dancers so i could not get cracking on new joints til Tuesday.
Long time collaborater/musical directer kendall Teague "jeezy" was my dancer for the piece d'occasion. I knew that i wanted to do something different/buck nasty because:
A. Its Halloween
B. Performance followed by party.
C. We can get away with it:)
What i had in mind for the new joint was having Jeezy be a detainee. I have been doing a lot of reading and research over the past few months on the current administrations interrogation policies and wanted to express some of my angst. The dance was in 3 sections.
1st section-Introduce jeezy and the chair with loud annoying music blasting
2nd section- Jeezy being forced to look at fucked up images that i ripped off youtube with a track that was kind a beachy.
3rd section- Jeezy dancing in chair and finally standing up breaking free from his constraints.
After it was all said and done, we were happy with the product. Everyone involved with the program had kind words to say about the "not so kind piece". A principal artist that we respect had some super nice things to say about Jeezys dancing and i got hit with a healty dose of "Hater Spray" later on that evening by a stranger who did not even go to the performance. Haters are a good measure of if you are doing anything well. Its there job to hate. I need to take that one hater and double the hateraide.
What matters most to me about this venture is that i have learned to very important things. One of them being this marks the 1st time that i have ever used projection to accompany dance. I was very pleased with the results and look forward to doing bigger better things with it. The 2ns thing that i learned is that i am the "1 minute man". Every day that we worked for an hour or less i consistantly produced a min or more worth of material.
Later on this week i will be posting the video of the new joint.
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