Last night america spoke to the rest of the world. We said that we want change.
Our newly elected president is the face and voice of that change.
Barack Obama!
We heard the news after me being mad at one of my friends for voting for McCain. My friend is a well known male ballet dancer and it makes no sense to even think about supporting the red ticket if you are in the arts you know? After calming down i went to Jeezys place and we talked a little followed by skating so that i could relax and get away from all of the poll coverage. About an hour later we went to a friends place right up the street. The moment that we walked in she had told us that Obama had been elected president of the USA. All of us cheered and made phone calls to family and friends. Jeezy looks at me, "Streets" he says. I nod my head in accordance. We roll bounced through out the entire city. Everyone was pouring into the streets in celebration of this mile stone. We both knew that then and there everything has changed, forever. We were part of history that night. So much elecetricty in the air.
here are some shit photos that i took with a camera i bought off of on the streets for 8 bucks. I will try and convince Jeezy to add his to the blog. Yes We Can!
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