There is nothing i enjoy more in the world then calling my friends who i know are sleeping early in the morning. The reason why its so funny to me is because im not a morning person but i have to get up early for work. By the time I'm awake all my friends are sleeping so its ripe picking. Everyone of them have a differnt response to my phone calls. The smart ones learned to turn the phone off, while the others well......
Here is my latest victim. Dorito. Her response to my calls had me laughing this morning. Now i might be eating my words cause i might be up for revue to get kicked out of the "Sexy Kids/Team Sexy". Her argument is that its not sexy to call someone early in the morning. My argument is that it is Sexy.
Peep our FaceBook conversation below
Dores:War is on Bitch,swear I'm calling you at 5am on Sunday........first fucking day I slept in,YOU woke me up.....get ready for war
Me:ha ha ha ha.
in spanish
ja ja ja ja ja!
Dores:Next Friday at the Independent,El Guincho,Team Sexy is going and although morning calls ain't sexy,we haven't exclude you,yet.
Me:Why are you always trying to kick me out of the Sexy Kids? Getting up early in the morning is one of the sexiest things a person can do. It tests the Sexy. Do you think that momma Trya Banks gets up late? Hell naw. That bitch us up at 6:00am putting in her weave(and LIZ). Not just anyone can do it. Its a dog eat dog word out there and only the Sexy will survive.
Dores:Me and David(Bowie) still think you'r sexy,don't you worry.
Alright. Sounds like my future is secure(for now) with Team Sexy.
Bowie Said so mothafuckas!
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