Yesterday after being on the verge of shooting myself i was able to get my bearings back. My friends pointed out to me that i am on the right track with what i am doing and producing good work. To take my mind off the "Blue Pill" i went skateboarding to blow off some steam which helped center me again. Its weird cause i am a very confident person who knows my strengths/faults so me feeling discouraged happens very rarely, but when it does the shit hits the fan for me.
Today i am back to normal and know what i need to do to push things further along. I have never been one to care about what other people are doing cause i am so caught up in my own little world. What that means is that i never compare myself or work to anyone elses. I cant. Never have i wanted to be anyone else or change lives but yesterday FUCKED me up and i did not know how to deal with it.
A little while ago i was on Gawker.com and read a very inspiring article.
Subject: All New: call for ideas
Hello everyone,
We're planning an issue for January called the All New issue. It will be pegged to the Obama inauguration, and the idea is that we're heading into a new era with an opportunity for new thinking and new ways of doing things.
We're looking for suggestions in all categories: the most interesting new people and ideas in science, medicine, economics, education, business, film, television, art, books, music, architecture, fashion, sports, food. The
actor or author making a phenomenal debut; the gadget that will change the way we do things; the policy wonk with a new plan for tackling homelessness; the new ingredient that's showing up on restaurant menus; pharmaceutical breakthroughs; new trends in fashion... The only requirement is that it has to be—new.
The issue is coming up quickly, so please send your ideas by November 26.
TAGsf is all over that ass. Trust me on that!
i will not take responsibility for you spiraling into a black hole. you're personal crisis with people's reactions to your work will only make allow you to make better more powerful work. burn burn burn....a nice sabattical will do the TAG mind good though. all NEW things come at the expense of tearing down the OLD. it's REVOLUTION. it cannot be stopped. and you my talented friend cannot be stopped either.
hope you had a great thanksgiving.
i got turned onto your blog via the winger. your videos are phenomenal!
i'm not sure if you've heard of Misnomer Dance on the west coast, but i work as their web producer - we're putting on a live performance on dec. 14th - would love for you to join us!
to answer your question - NEW - i think conservation + renewal will be key ideas. perhaps thinking INSIDE the box will also be big. so many people have been thinking outside the box, that maybe it's time to start looking inwards.
i'm going to stop typing now before i get more esoteric.
sounds intersting. Can you get me more info and where can i contact you?
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